Samples - REST

These samples of code can be used to begin using our API quickly.

All clients are generated automatically using openapi generator. Check the openapi specification


Install dependencies : add in your gradle file

dependencies {
    implementation "ai.cochl:sense-api:v1.4.0"

For file upload, you will need an audio file. You can download one here


For microphone upload, the sample of code assumes that audio stream is being taken from android microphone

This sample of code is working with node. The library is also compatible with browser.

Install dependencies

npm install @cochl/sense-api

For file upload, you will need an audio file. You can download one here


For microphone upload, you will need to install one more dependency

npm install mic

Install coch-sense-api

pip install --upgrade cochl-sense-api

For file upload, you will need an audio file. You can download one here


For microphone upload, you will need to install one more dependency

pip install pyaudio


New features introduced starting from v1.4.0

Default Hop Size

  • The inference interval can be set to either 0.5 seconds or 1 second.
  • By default, the system uses overlapping 0.5-second intervals for inferring from 1-second audio data.
  • Setting the hop size to 1 second eliminates overlapping intervals during the inference process.
static WindowHop HOP_SIZE = WindowHop._0_5S;

Sensitivity Control

  • Once enabled, this feature allows for the adjustment of tag detection sensitivity.
  • You can adjust the sensitivity of all tags with DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY and adjust the sensitivity of specific tag(s) with TAGS_SENSITIVITY
  • High sensitivity ensures more true positives but also more false positives, while low sensitivity may result in fewer false positives but also fewer true positives.
// You have 5 options:
// - Very high sensitivity (-2)
// - High sensitivity      (-1)
// - Normal (default)      ( 0)
// - Low sensitivity       ( 1)
// - Very low sensitivity  ( 2)

// You can set the sensitivity for specific tags.
HashMap<String, Integer> TAGS_SENSITIVITY = new HashMap<>();
TAGS_SENSITIVITY.put("Male_speech", 1);

Result Summary

  • Cochl.Sense provides comprehensive results for each inference unit.
  • When activated, this feature abbreviate consecutive results to provide a summary, returning the time and length of the detected tag.
  • The ‘interval margin’(IM) is a parameter that treats the unrecognized window between tags as part of the recognized ones. DEFAULT_IM controls the margin for all tags, and TAGS_IM controls the margin of specific tags.
  • This feature operates differently in file mode and stream mode.
    • In file mode, you can modify the IM.
    • In stream mode, the IM cannot be changed and is set to 0.
// Enable Result Summary
static boolean USE_RESULT_ABBREVIATION = true;

// The unit of the im is seconds, there is no limitation.
static int DEFAULT_IM = 1;

// Set the im for specific tags.
HashMap<String, Integer> TAGS_IM = new HashMap<>();
TAGS_IM.put("Male_speech", 1);

Default Hop Size

  • The inference interval can be set to either 0.5 seconds or 1 second.
  • By default, the system uses overlapping 0.5-second intervals for inferring from 1-second audio data.
  • Setting the hop size to 1 second eliminates overlapping intervals during the inference process.
// Hop size's default value is 500ms and can be set to "1s"
const HOP_SIZE = 0.5,

Sensitivity Control

  • Once enabled, this feature allows for the adjustment of tag detection sensitivity.
  • You can adjust the sensitivity of all tags with DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY and adjust the sensitivity of specific tag(s) with TAGS_SENSITIVITY
  • High sensitivity ensures more true positives but also more false positives, while low sensitivity may result in fewer false positives but also fewer true positives.
/// You have 5 options:
/// - Very high sensitivity (-2)
/// - High sensitivity      (-1)
/// - Normal (default)      ( 0)
/// - Low sensitivity       ( 1)
/// - Very low sensitivity  ( 2)

/// You can set the sensitivity for specific tags.
    Male_speech: 1

Result Summary

  • Cochl.Sense provides comprehensive results for each inference unit.
  • When activated, this feature abbreviate consecutive results to provide a summary, returning the time and length of the detected tag.
  • The ‘interval margin’(IM) is a parameter that treats the unrecognized window between tags as part of the recognized ones. DEFAULT_IM controls the margin for all tags, and TAGS_IM controls the margin of specific tags.
  • This feature operates differently in file mode and stream mode.
    • In file mode, you can modify the IM.
    • In stream mode, the IM cannot be changed and is set to 0.
// Enable Result Summary

/// The unit of the im is seconds, there is no limitation.
const DEFAULT_IM = 1

/// Set the im for specific tags.
const TAGS_IM = {
    Male_speech: 1

Default Hop Size

  • The inference interval can be set to either 0.5 seconds or 1 second.
  • By default, the system uses overlapping 0.5-second intervals for inferring from 1-second audio data.
  • Setting the hop size to 1 second eliminates overlapping intervals during the inference process.
# Hop size's default value is 0.5s and can be set to "1s"
HOP_SIZE = WindowHop("0.5s")

Sensitivity Control

  • Once enabled, this feature allows for the adjustment of tag detection sensitivity.
  • You can adjust the sensitivity of all tags with DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY and adjust the sensitivity of specific tag(s) with TAGS_SENSITIVITY
  • High sensitivity ensures more true positives but also more false positives, while low sensitivity may result in fewer false positives but also fewer true positives.
# You have 5 options:
# - Very high sensitivity (-2)
# - High sensitivity      (-1)
# - Normal (default)      ( 0)
# - Low sensitivity       ( 1)
# - Very low sensitivity  ( 2)
DEFAULT_SENSITIVITY = DefaultSensitivity(0)

# You can set the sensitivity for specific tags.
TAGS_SENSITIVITY = TagsSensitivity(Male_speech=1)

Result Summary

  • Cochl.Sense provides comprehensive results for each inference unit.
  • When activated, this feature abbreviate consecutive results to provide a summary, returning the time and length of the detected tag.
  • The ‘interval margin’(IM) is a parameter that treats the unrecognized window between tags as part of the recognized ones. DEFAULT_IM controls the margin for all tags, and TAGS_IM controls the margin of specific tags.
  • This feature operates differently in file mode and stream mode.
    • In file mode, you can modify the IM.
    • In stream mode, the IM cannot be changed and is set to 0.
# Enable Result Summary

# The unit of the im is seconds, there is no limitation.

# Set the im for specific tags.
TAGS_IM = {"Male_speech": 1}

Sample Codes

You can find the sample codes for Java, Javascript and Python language in the following github repository :
For Javascript samples, Node version should be at least 14
For Python samples, Python3.8+ is compatible

Mind that you have to change the PROJECT_KEY variable and insert your personal API key of your Cochl Sense project